When my kids were growing up, we spent a lot of time in the kitchen. It was in the kitchen that they worked on their homework while I cooked dinner; we talked about their days and what they experienced; they learned how to cook, clean, and mop; impromptu dance sessions were held when a fun song came on the radio; tears were shed after the passing of a family member; board games were played at the kitchen table while eating homemade chocolate chip cookies; rich conversations were had and laughter was the norm while eating whatever new dish I came up with. And now that my kids are grown, they still come back home and want to spend time with me in the kitchen…talking, dancing, laughing.
Kitchens are made for uniting families. They are the focal point of where life typically takes place and where memories are made. And Isenhour Homes has many design options for you to customize the kitchen into your dream room for uniting your family! Choose your cabinets, appliances, countertops, backsplash, flooring, paint colors, lighting, fixtures, hardware. The list goes on.
Article submitted by C. Carlton.