
Labor Day

Posted: September, 2, 2021 | Categories: Blog

Labor Day is an annual celebration of workers and their achievements.

We have done some research, and here are some facts about Labor Day - the holiday that has been celebrated since 1882.



  1. The first celebrated United States Labor Day was on Tuesday, September 5, 1882 in New York City.  This event was planned by the Central Labor Union and consisted of a parade to celebrate their members being in unions and showing support for those unions.  
  2. Oregon was the first state to celebrate Labor Day as a legal holiday in 1887.  Others states quickly followed: Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, & Colorado.
  3. President Grover Cleveland signed an act in 1894 establishing Labor Day as a federal holiday.
  4. The decision to make Labor Day the first Monday in September was approved on June 28, 1894.
  5. This holiday started as a part of the labor union movement to recognize contributions of employees in the US workforce.  More modernly, it is seen as a chance to celebrate the "unofficial" last weekend of summer.
  6. Americans worked 12 hours a day, seven days a week during the 19th century.  The Adamson Act was passed on September 13, 1916 to establish an 8-hour workday.
  7. The old tradition of not wearing white after Labor Day goes back to the late Victorian era where it was faux pas to wear white clothing after the summer ended on Labor Day.  However, this traditional is not really followed anymore.  
  8. The first Waffle House opened on Labor Day in 1955.
  9. It is the third most popular day of the year to have a cookout....following Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, according to the Hearth, Patio, and Barbecue Association.
  10. According to, Labor Day is the 2nd most dangerous holiday to travel on...following Memorial Day.  So please stay safe if traveling this Labor Day weekend.


"Without labor, nothing prospers." - Sophocles

                          HAPPY LABOR DAY!

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