
Thankful for our Veterans

Posted: November, 10, 2022 | Categories: Blog

Veterans Day on November 11th is a federal holiday in the Unites States for honoring military veterans of the United States Armed Forces.  Different from Memorial Day (honoring those who died while in military service) and Armed Forces Day (honoring those currently service in the U.S. military), Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans.  

Interesting Facts about Veterans Day:

  • Originally, Veterans Day was known as "Armistice Day", which began to be celebrated on November 11, 1919, at the one-year anniversary of when the agreement to cease fire was made to end World War I. 
  • In 1926, Congress passed to a resolution to make this an annual occurrence. 
  • It wasn't until 1938 that Armistice Day was officially made into a legal holiday. 
  • And in 1954, Armistice Day was updated by Congress to be known as Veterans Day so that it would honor all veterans, not just signify the end to a single war. 
  • The 634-acre Arlington National Cemetary holds an annual commemorative ceremony every Veterans Day.   
  • Its "incorrect grammar" is intentional.  It is actually Veterans Day...without an apostrophe.  According to the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs, it's not actually "their"day but "a day for honoring all veterans" more generally.

No amount of appreciation will be sufficient enough to honor them.  Let us pray for them and their and everyday.  

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By Isenhour Homes


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