
What Moving Companies Can't Move

Posted: August, 11, 2022 | Categories: Blog

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It's important to know what moving companies cannot move.  This information will save you the time and hassle of having to arrange a new plan at the last second.  Below is a list of items that cannot be moved by companies.  If there is any doubt, be sure to ask the moving company about any items prior to your moving day!

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Plants and animals 
Generally, anything which falls under the category of “living” is unable to be moved in the trucks for safety concerns, and this includes plants and animals.  Please make prior arrangements on how your plants and animals will be transported.

Medications and prescription drugs 
This is to prevent an emergency situation where a customer would need said prescriptions or medications which are packed away on a truck.

Gasoline engines and machines 
If you’re moving anything that is run on gasoline, such as a lawn mower, grill, smoker, tractor, or moped, please make sure the gasoline is completely emptied out of them before they are loaded onto the truck.  Moving teams cannot transport anything with gasoline in it for safety reasons.


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Perishable food items 
Anything which is fresh, frozen, or refrigerated cannot be moved on moving trucks to avoid a situation of rotting or spoiling during transport.  It is recommended that you plan a few days’ worth of meals leading up to your moving date so you have something to eat and aren’t relying on your old food.   You can also pack a cooler with your refrigerated items and transport them in your personal vehicle.

Sentimental items 
Moving companies do not move cash, jewelry, insurance papers, birth certificates, or any other sentimental items when completing a move. This prevents anything of this nature from getting misplaced or damaged, and saves you the stress of worrying about their transportation.

Flammable items 
The following items fall into this category and cannot be moved: propane, car batteries, paint, household cleaners, antifreeze, ammunition, and weed killer.  Federal law prohibits these from being transported in any moving trucks. 

Article from Two Men and A Truck (TWO MEN AND A TRUCK

By Isenhour Homes


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